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Health, finance, family, the future—life is full of questions. There are deeper questions, too. Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Does life have any purpose? But the ultimate questions are about God. Does he exist? What is he like? Can I know him and experience his power in my life? And if so, how? This little volume tackles these vital questions head-on—and answers them simply, clearly,...

This is the fundamental question. If God does not exist, searching for him is pointless. Anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists.1 While it is impossible to ‘prove’ God in a mathematical sense, the evidence is very convincing. Take the existence of the universe. To call it the result of an ‘accident’ raises many questions—and answers none. The same is true of the ‘Big Bang’ theory. Where, for instance, did the raw materials come from? Not even a ‘big bang’ can make
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